Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This crop circle photo shows us several circles within circles surrounded by one large circle composed of different sized circles. On the largest inside circle you notice smaller circles inside, the placement of the inside circles forms moon shapes in double. Could the inside smaller circles represent planets? Strange??? Great crop circle photo.
This bizarre yet pretty shape is said to be foldable into a tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is a six pointed star, in other words the shape of the star of david in 3D. If you fold the thing to the left on the centers of the hexagons in the right way it should produce the right form. Also notice the sets of four circles within the photo. Maybe they are to help us fold this immense craft of mammoth artistic playfullness? Who knows, all I know is that it is an interesting design. More of a crop formation than a crop circle in this case.
This gorgeous crop circle features what seems to resemble very well an Ancient Egyptian symbol which is a pair of wings with a circle in the middle, followed by 2 lines underneath. What could this beautiful crop circle photo represent. Does it have meaning? Is it just a hoax, but how could a hoax this good be fabricated. Does anyone truly have so much technical skill to produce such a masterpiece of grandeur and precision. And why choose an egyptian symbol for a crop circle.
This crop circle picture features a star of five points often seen in Ancient egyptian pictures and hieroglyphs. Also there are 3 circles on each point as well as a large center circle. Could this be some sort of scientific knowledge. It seems to ve a very beautiful shape were we to see it in person we would surely be quite in awe. This also has spiral shaped wheat formations in its construction. Coincidence or is this crop circle picture the real thing. You may also notice that in many crop circles the circle is spread over 3 lines in the field, that is to say the circle usually touches upon 3 lines of intersect. Why 3 lines so often???
This crop circle is said to represent one of the most complex mathematical formulas in existance. It is the same shape as our symbol for this mathematical equation. Is it true? Could this be coincidence? This crop circle picture shows wheat curved in such a way and also in spiral shape formation, such things are extremely hard to fake, but you be the judge. :0)
Many California military bases have been associated with UFOs including George AFB, Hamilton, Norton, Miramar, Castle, Alameda and others. Of all of them, however, Edwards Air Force Base (formerly Muroc) tops the list. Located in the vast Mojave Desert, this area has attracted an incredible amount and variety of UFO activity starting in 1947 to the present day. In fact, the events at Edwards AFB are of such a magnitude that they may rival even the Roswell incident.
The story begins on July 7, 1947. On that day, the base experienced a series of seven fly-overs by UFOs as witnessed by dozens of military officers and pilots. Listed as Blue Book case number 50 (unidentified), this encounter changed the way the Air Force handled UFOs. As researcher Michael David Hall writes, “Those disk sightings over Muroc on the seventh and eight really shook up the Pentagon [and] were the pivotal event which sprung the United States military into serious action on the saucer mystery…the incident led the United States Army Air Force to issue classified orders requiring reports of any ‘saucer-like’ objects to be given to the Technical Intelligence Division of the Air Material Command.”
Researcher Richard Dolan writes, “The Muroc incident continues to provide evidence for military knowledge, interest and secrecy regarding UFOs.”
This, however, was only the first sighting. Over the next fifty years, the base would be visited again and again by UFOs, including in 1952, 1954, 1958, 1965, 1967, 1978, 1995, 1998 and more. Several of these sightings were made by extremely reputable witnesses, including Air Force base officers and on one occasion, astronaut Gordon Cooper. In 1958, Cooper was at the base when a UFO landed on the dry lakebed. Base personnel filmed the incident, and Cooper developed and viewed the film. As he says, “Good close-up shots. Nothing like I had ever seen…double inverted saucer shape. It didn’t have any wings on it or anything…There was no doubt in my mind that it was made someplace other than Earth.”
Another noteworthy incident occurred on October 7, 1965, during which several jets were scrambled to intercept UFOs which were hovering over the base. As researcher Steven Greer writes, “This extremely important case involves a seasoned Air Force Traffic Controller, an official ‘UFO officer,’ four separate radar stations, lock-on from onboard radar on a jet interceptor, many hours, and many objects over several hours. The debunkers and those who would ridicule the UFO matter need to be able to explain away all of these elements – and the voice tape of the actual event.”
While the sightings, UFO-airplane chases and landings are enough to place Edwards at the top of this list, the story doesn’t end there. At this point, things become very controversial. According to a growing number of sources, on February 20, 1954 President Eisenhower visited Edwards AFB where he and other high-ranking officials had an alleged face-to-face diplomatic meeting with extraterrestrials. Numerous researchers have looked into the story and have come back with some surprising confirmation. At this point, however, the whole truth remains obscured.
Beyond that (if that isn’t enough) there are also claims crashed UFOs, reverse engineering of UFO hardware, and even actual live aliens working at the base along with humans. While these stories remain on the fringe of UFO research, the stories continue to circulate.
Whatever the case, as can be seen, Edwards AFB has an undeniably very close and on-going association with UFOs.
With more than 5000 reported encounters, California leads the nation in UFO encounters. UFOs Over California is the first book to present the complete history of the extraterrestrial presence in the Golden State. Documented here are more than 100 years of encounters, starting with early Native American encounters, the 1896 California Airship Mystery, the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles and the 1947 UFO wave. Hundreds of other cases include sightings and landings at California Air Force Bases, sightings over LAX, celebrity sightings, underwater UFOs, face-to-face encounters, sightings by investigators, implant-removal cases, UFO healings, missing-time abductions, UFO crash/retrievals and more. All the classic California cases are covered: the Cisco Grove robot encounter, the Schidel near-miss with a UFO, the Playa Del Rey landing, the Red Bluff wave, the Bluff Creek encounter, the San Fernando angel hair case and more.
The book also contains color photographs of UFOs in flight and illustrations by award winning artist Kesara that will leave every reader searching the skies, seeking the truth!
1965-Santa Ana, California. August 3. Taken by highway traffic engineer Rex Heflin, while driving near the Santa Ana freeway. Heflin did not report his sighting, but the photographs were published by the Santa Ana Register on 09-20-65. This turned into a very controversial case with photos confiscated, and disagreements between different Ufologists about the photograph's authenticity. One of the most famous UFO photos ever taken.
1957-1958-Edwards AFB. This photo is said to come from an "instructive-film" of a UFO landing at Edwards AFB. The film is said to have "leaked." This film has been referred to by more than one person, including the late astronaut Gordon Cooper, who claims to have seen the entire event. He says that the film did exist, but we cannot be certain that this is from that film.
onic booms and at least one fireball in the sky were reported in Texas on Sunday, less than a week after two satellites collided in space and a day after the Federal Aviation Administration asked U.S. pilots to watch for "falling space debris," authorities said.
Video captured in Austin, Texas, shows a meteor-like object in the sky Sunday morning.
There were no reports of ground strikes or interference with aircraft in flight, FAA spokesman Roland Herwig said.
Herwig told CNN the FAA received no reports from pilots in the air of any sightings but the agency recieved "numerous" calls from people on the ground from Dallas, Texas, south to Austin, Texas.
Video shot by a photographer from News 8 TV in Austin showed what appeared to be a meteor-like white fireball blazing across a clear blue sky Sunday morning. The photographer caught the incident while covering a marathon in Austin.
On Saturday, the FAA told pilots through its routine notification system that "a potential hazard may occur due to re-entry of satellite debris into the earth's atmosphere." The notice did not specify a time or location. Watch video of meteor-like fireball »
Herwig said most of the reports the FAA received came in about midday Sunday in an area of Texas from Dallas south to Austin.
He said he was not certain where the information that sparked the FAA notification came from, but it was "probably from NORAD," or the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which tracks man-made objects in space. Calls to NORAD headquarters in Colorado were not immediately returned.
Lisa Block, spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said her agency had received calls from residents surprised by sonic booms about 11 a.m. She said calls came from an area from Dallas to Houston.
Last week, the Russian and U.S. space agencies said two satellites, one Russian and one American, collided about 496 miles (800 kilometers) above Siberia, Russia.
The collision on Tuesday produced two large debris clouds, NASA said. The satellites collided at 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) per second, producing 500 to 600 pieces of space debris, the U.S. Strategic Command said.
Phoenix, Arizona, 1997. One of the most publicized UFO events in history was accompanied with many photographs of a giant UFO. First observed in a hexagram pattern at about 7:30 PM over the Superstition Mountains area east of Phoenix, the characteristic 8+1 formation of amber orbs was next seen in two separate arc patterns with "trailing lights" over the Gila River area at about 9:50 and again at 10:00 at the southern edge of Phoenix, where they were seen by thousands and videotaped by a handful who had camcorders close enough at hand to catch the fleeting minutes of their displays. Many other photographs and video film have been taken over the city of Phoenix.
Connecticut, 1987. Randy Etting was taking a walk outside his home. A commercial airline pilot with over 30 years experience, he always looked at the sky. On the night he took the photograph, he saw a number of orange and red lights approaching from the west. He got his binoculars and called his neighbors to come outside. The object, by this time was a great deal closer and seemed to be over I-84, just east of Etting's home... the lights were shimmering like distortion from engine heat, but he could hear no sound. Etting stated: "As the UFO passed over I-84, cars in both the east and west bound lanes began pulling over and stopping. The UFO displayed a semi-circular pattern of very bright multicolored lights. Five motorists reported that, as the object became visible, a number of cars lost power and had to pull off the highway."
Tavernes, France, 1974. A classic French UFO picture. Photographed by an anonymous French medical doctor. Taken on March 23, 1974 in Tavernes in the section of Var, during a major UFO flap over France. Skeptics doubted the picture on the grounds that "luminous rays cannot end like this." Of course they do not, normally. But the skeptics simply forgot to consider that these are not luminous rays but light emission by ionized air, for example. The object in the photograph is still considered a UFO.
The strange case of nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker, and forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson actually began a day before their famous encounter. On October 10, 1973, fifteen different people, including two policemen, reported seeing a large, silver UFO slowly fly over a housing project in St. Tammany Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana. Only a scant 24 hours later, Hickson and Parker would have the scare of their lives; a frightening encounter with an eerie UFO, and occupants
The crash of an alien vehicle near Corona, New Mexico, in 1947, is the cornerstone of the study of UFOs, and the belief in extraterrestrial intelligence. More than 500 witnesses attest to the validity of the Roswell crash, with many of them first hand. There are a number of individuals who claimed to have actually seen alien bodies, despite claims by our government that nothing more than a secret balloon project was involved. No UFO case has been studied more, and investigations into this controversial event continue even today.